Collaboration is the cornerstone of ISGlobal’s Education and Training approach

As the famous African proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” This is what ISGlobal’s Education and Training team does: learn and grow by working with others and bringing together the diverse expertise of a wide range of global health organisations and professionals. Its masters, diplomas, courses, workshops and other training activities are supported by strong academic partnerships with universities, research centres, education networks and other global health actors.

Collaboration: the action of working together with other people or entities to produce something

Two renowned visiting professors

In 2022, students in the UB-ISGlobal Master of Global Health and Master of Clinical Research: International Health Track benefited from the engagement of two distinguished Global Health Visiting Professors. Jaime Sepulveda, Haile T. Debas Distinguished Professor of Global Health and Executive Director of the University of California San Francisco Institute for Global Health Sciences, presented a series of master classes including “COVID-19 in Ibero-America”, “Love in the Time of Cholera: The Re-emergence of Cholera in the Americas” and “The Magic of Vaccines and Immunological Equity”. Christopher Martin, Professor of Medicine and Occupational Health and Director of Global Engagement at the West Virginia University School of Public Health, offered lectures on epidemiology and global occupational health.

A new seminar series

In addition, the team was delighted to launch a joint seminar series with Umeå University, starting with an important session on “Decolonising Global Health” led by global and planetary health expert Renzo Guinto. The series will continue with other topics, such as “Sustainability and the Impact of Climate on Global Health”.

For Núria Casamitjana, ISGlobal’s Education and Training Director, engagement with colleagues and even “competitors” is crucial. “Our students benefit from new and different points of view and it helps us to develop our thinking and consider other perspectives. We look forward to strengthening our partnerships and building new ones in the coming years.”

Photo: Kenrick Mills