Our institution

Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health Initiative


Evidence from the five-year TIPTOP project is currently being reviewed by the WHO and, if positive, may lead to policy changes to help close the gap in access to intermittent preventive malaria treatment during pregnancy (IPTp). The project, funded by Unitaid, used an innovative, community-based approach to treatment delivery to increase pregnant women’s access to IPTp in four sub-Saharan countries.

In addition, we presented the findings and conclusions of the IPERVAC project to the Sierra Leone health authorities for their consideration, particularly in the context of the introduction of novel (and contentious) adult vaccines during disease outbreaks. The project, funded by the Glòria Soler Foundation, found that adherence to COVID-19 vaccination was influenced by the existing mistrust of authorities and low risk perceptions due to previous experiences with the Ebola outbreak. Vaccine uptake improved with encouragement from trusted community members and the practical benefits of vaccination certificates for travel.


Promoting real change

Antimicrobial Resistance Initiative
Malaria Elimination Initiative
Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health
Chagas Initiative
Urban Planning, Environment and Health