Our institution

Urban Planning, Environment and Health Initiative


Key results of our initiative for 2022 include: expansion of the ISGlobal City Ranking to include noise and heat; launch of a tool with the Barcelona Provincial Council to integrate health into public space planning; contribution to three reports by WHO Europe on “Protecting Environments and Health by Building Urban Resilience” and to the WHO’s NCDs and Climate Change Report; contribution to health evaluation for the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) Master Plan and the creation of an open online course on health impacts of noise (EIT Urban Mobility). Our initiative also gave expert input on the EU Air Quality Guidelines revisions and took action together with the ERS and ISEE.

Furthermore, the initiative continued to generate impact in society by translating evidence for policies and practice in areas such as healthy school environments, housing and health, air pollution, green spaces, and transport planning. Our collaborations with entities such as the Barcelona City Council, Vitoria City Council, the Barcelona Provincial Council, and the Catalan Government were aimed at assessing the health impacts of urban exposures and interventions. We joined the Clean Cities Campaign to provide evidence for advocacy towards improved air quality across Europe, and we consolidated our expertise in health impacts of school environments through projects such as Patis x Clima, Protegim les Escoles, Refugis Climàtics and the Streets for Kids Working Group.


Promoting real change

Antimicrobial Resistance Initiative
Malaria Elimination Initiative
Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health
Chagas Initiative
Urban Planning, Environment and Health