Our institution


Research / Transdisciplinary groups

This year, the eHealth team launched several projects in collaboration with other ISGlobal research groups. They all use common methodologies based on continuous monitoring via smartphones and activity trackers:

  • A year-long intervention to promote sustainable healthy diets among adults in Barcelona, in which participants receive tailored feedback every three weeks for six months and then participate in a six-month follow-up (Alimentación S2).
  • A series of “summer studies” to investigate whether outdoor workers in Catalonia are adapting to the heat. The study collects data through ecological assessment on smartphones and activity monitors.
  • A study to assess adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP, an HIV prevention method) among female sex workers in Madrid, through the use of smartphones.
  • An interventional study investigating the effects of environmental volunteering (e.g., tree planting) on health behaviours and mental health in young adults in Malta.


Building the health of the future

Air Pollution and Urban Environment
Chagas, Parasitic and Imported Diseases
Childhood and Environment
Climate and Health
Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health
NCDs and Environment
Viral and Bacterial Infections
Transdisciplinary groups
Biomedical Data Science
Health Impact Assessment